Denver Diagnostic Pain Group in Denver, Colorado
Below are some of the common questions we receive from patients. If you have a question that is unanswered below, please contact us.
Is a medical referral required before I can make an appointment?
Not necessarily. Your healthcare insurance determines if a medical referral is required. Often, you can call the number on your insurance card, or review your policy details, to find this information.
Does the Doctor prescribe pain medication?
Yes and no. Patients may be prescribed short supplies to increase function during a recovery period. Our policy is in line with the FDA. Unless patients are suffering from cancer pain, there are better treatment options than long term opioid use.
Is drug testing required?
Yes. Anyone receiving prescription drugs will be required to have routine screening.
Will insurance cover my treatment?
Most treatments, but not all, are covered by insurance. We will partner with patients’ insurance carriers to seek coverage for our treatments.